blog · projects · about
June 26, 2020
I'm Brenden Deeal, a recent graduate of Florida Atlantic University.
I've been meaning to put up a personal webpage for some time detailing various projects I've worked on, but now with the COVID-19 situation, the time has been particularly ripe.
Several parts of this site may not function properly yet -- both it and the website generator I've written to make it, a program called blzs, are in development.

My current major project is a program called quig, a Lua-based system for developing small games. Designed to be simple and easy to work with, it has several strategically placed limitations on it, all with the intent of keeping games simple and providing something of a unifying look.
quig comes with several example games and a tutorial to get started.
quig is alpha-quality software, and currently doesn't provide binaries, but source and documentation are available for download at GitHub right now.